January 13, 2016

Is your association aware of the many benefits of certain online content pieces? If you are looking for a cost-effective and visually-appealing way to organize information about membership or an annual event, you may want to consider doing an online brochure. Learn how and why CCMC developed the New World Symposium brochure to reach its target audience and drive registrations.

The Commission for Case Manager Certification (CCMC) will be hosting its premier networking conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan. 21-23, 2016. The conference will bring together over 500 allied health professionals across all practice settings interested in issues related to case management.

With a limited budget for direct mail but the desire to create an informative piece, CCMC decided to create an online conference brochure. The goal in creating the online brochure was to organize key conference information in such a way that it would be visually appealing and easy to share on email and social media. The New World Symposium brochure allowed the CCMC and RCC teams to put all of the key conference information in one place, and also allowed for the designer to be flexible and creative with the design.


Since the CCMC team knew that they needed to inform their audience about the brochure in a tactical way, they first sent a direct mail postcard that promoted the early bird deadline and the availability of the brochure online. This effort, combined with other early bird registration drivers, resulted in a 119 percent increase in registrations over a month.

As compared to direct mail pieces, an online conference brochure allows for much more flexibility. Direct mail brochures can not only be costly, but there are limitations on the amount of content that can be included due to the need to leave space for mailing panels.

Jenelle Kleiman, art director in the Creative Department within RCC, talked about her design insight on the concept of an online brochure by stating that “the design and information can breathe. We can use large images and impactful, but minimal, text on a page without paying extra for more pages to be printed.”

Additionally, an online PDF can be viewed on a mobile device, a method of consuming content that’s growing in popularity, according to Jon Kinsella, Digital MarCom Manager. “In May, Google announced that more searches come from mobile rather than desktop,” he said. “It is crucial for us to adapt to this change and create content that people can view on mobile.”

View the CCMC New World Symposium brochure and consider the numerous benefits of an online brochure when creating marketing pieces for your next event or membership campaign.