September 23, 2015

by Justin Fennelly, Senior Graphic Designer & Technology Specialist

Keeping the pipeline of content flowing in the middle of a busy season is a challenge for any organization. The organization is faced with trying to prevent content from slowing to a trickle, and, at the same time, wrangling the engagement of multiple, segmented audiences. It’s important to keep in mind that an audience’s attention is as time-pressured as anyone else’s, and that there is value in repetition and its ability to build familiarity with ideas.


If you’ve created campaigns and projects with a design team, there is a wealth of pre-created assets that can be reworked into a variety of different formats beyond that single ad or creative piece. All AH client partner work is housed on a central server at AH that the designers from Red Chair Communications can pull from to rework.

While it’s not as exciting as a brand-new project, you’ll save time (and money) by using your greatest hits in a new way. It’s not difficult to have your content reformatted into a web banner, or have the design team provide selected elements of that creative piece for you. Need the text from a brochure provided in a Word document? Want a set of icons from a poster pulled out and provided in a format where you can plug them into an email or landing page? Interested in taking a stock photo from a recent newsletter and using it in your Facebook post? It’s just a matter of working with the designer to break your earlier piece into smaller, more easily digestible bits.

For example, AH had a data-driven infographic created. Besides as an infographic, it can be reworked into an animated GIF that can be used as an email header, calling out to a specific piece of data or using a specific graphic from the infographic.


It still retains the look and feel of its parent document (which makes it easier to design), but it repeats this information in a new and selective way that has a chance of grabbing a better look.

May be part of your audience was on vacation the last time around, got distracted, or simply didn’t have your message sink in like it should have. Dusting off content and presenting it to them again in a new format is a way of making that message sparkle anew. All in all, it’s something that adds value to your brand, without adding a whole lot of time to your schedule.